Vanishing jobs of the future – Future proofing education

Future proofing education

The pace at which technology is emerging and the rate at which artificial intelligence is being incorporated into ones daily life, its possible that in the not too distant future the jobs that we know of and give a safe way to live will be no more. It is highly essential, with this in mind, to choose wisely a career. There will be no more fall back jobs or jobs to take in between career changes. All of those jobs will be cannibalized by AI. This will be for profit and efficiency. As technology and artificial intelligence continue to advance, certain types of jobs may become less prevalent and some may even become obsolete.

Here are a few examples of jobs that may be at risk of disappearing in the future:

  1. Data entry and other routine office tasks: Many of these tasks can now be automated, reducing the need for human workers.
  2. Retail jobs, such as cashiers and salespeople: Self-checkout kiosks and online shopping may reduce the need for retail workers.
  3. Customer service jobs: Advances in natural language processing and machine learning may enable AI-powered chatbots to handle many customer service inquiries.
  4. Manufacturing jobs: Robotics and automation have already begun to replace many manufacturing jobs, and this trend is likely to continue in the future.
  5. Transportation jobs such as truck drivers: Self-driving cars and trucks may make many transportation jobs obsolete in the future.
  6. Telemarketing, tele sales and door to door sales: Many companies now relying on online and digital marketing, email and social media.
  7. Entry-level jobs in finance and accounting: Many of these tasks can now be automated, such as data analysis, bookkeeping, and financial reporting.
  8. Physical jobs such as warehouse packers, postal workers etc, can be replaced by robots and automation.

It’s important to note that these predictions may not be totally true and the shift might take many years, however it’s always a good idea to keep an eye on industry trends and be prepared to adapt to changes in the job market.
Hence the need for a conscientious effort to pick the right career choices in order to future proof yourself against such life altering changes.

Stan's Academy
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